BitString Parity Challenge
This is an implementation of this Warmup problem. It states the following:
⭐ Train an LSTM to solve the XOR problem: that is, given a sequence of bits, determine its parity. The LSTM should consume the sequence, one bit at a time, and then output the correct answer at the sequence’s end. Test the two approaches below:
- Generate a dataset of random 100,000 binary strings of length 50. Train the LSTM; what performance do you get?
- Generate a dataset of random 100,000 binary strings, where the length of each string is independently and randomly chosen between 1 and 50. Train the LSTM. Does it succeed? What explains the difference?
First, we obtain the data. Save the following code as data.jl
using Flux: onehot, onehotbatch
using Random
const alphabet = [false, true] # 0, 1
parity(x) = reduce(xor, x)
gendata(n::Int, k::Int) = gendata(n, k:k)
function gendata(n::Int, k::UnitRange{Int})
X = bitrand.(rand(k, n))
return [(onehotbatch(x, alphabet), onehot(y, alphabet)) for (x, y) in zip(X, parity.(X))]
Model for 2 bit strings.
using Flux, Statistics
using Flux: onehot, onehotbatch, throttle, logitcrossentropy, reset!, onecold
using Parameters: @with_kw
@with_kw mutable struct Args
lr::Float64 = 1e-3 # Learning rate
epochs::Int = 20 # Number of epochs for training
train_len::Int = 100 # Length of training data to be generated
val_len::Int = 10 # Length of Validation Data
throttle::Int = 10 # Throttle timeout
function getdata(args)
# Using gendata function defined in data.jl
train = gendata(args.train_len, 2)
val = gendata(args.val_len, 2)
return train, val
function build_model()
scanner = LSTM(length(alphabet), 20)
encoder = Dense(20, length(alphabet))
return scanner, encoder
function model(x, scanner, encoder)
state = scanner.([end]
function train(; kws...)
# Initialize the parameters
args = Args(; kws...)
# Load Data
train_data, val_data = getdata(args)
@info("Constructing Model...")
scanner,encoder = build_model()
loss(x, y) = logitcrossentropy(model(x, scanner, encoder), y)
batch_loss(data) = mean(loss(d...) for d in data)
opt = ADAM(
ps = params(scanner, encoder)
evalcb = () -> @show batch_loss(val_data)
for i=1:args.epochs
Flux.train!(loss, ps, train_data, opt, cb=throttle(evalcb, args.throttle))
return scanner, encoder
function test(scanner, encoder)
# sanity test
tx = map(c -> onehotbatch(c, alphabet), [
[false, true], # 01 -> 1
[true, false], # 10 -> 1
[false, false], # 00 -> 0
[true, true]]) # 11 -> 0
out = [onecold(model(x, scanner, encoder)) - 1 for x in tx]
input = [[0,1],[1,0],[0,0],[1,1]]
for i in 1:length(tx)
print(input[i]," => ",out[i],"\n")
scanner, encoder = train()
test(scanner, encoder)
Save the above as xor1.jl
and run it as:
julia xor1.jl
Model for 2000 1 to 10 length strings
using Flux, Statistics
using Flux: onehot, onehotbatch, throttle, logitcrossentropy, reset!, onecold
using Parameters: @with_kw
@with_kw mutable struct Args
lr::Float64 = 1e-3 # Learning rate
epochs::Int = 20 # Number of epochs for training
train_len::Int = 2000 # Length of training data to be generated
val_len::Int = 100 # Length of Validation Data
throttle::Int = 10 # Throttle timeout
function getdata(args)
# training data of bit strings from length 2 to 10
train = gendata(args.train_len, 1:10)
# validation data of bit strings of length 10
val = gendata(args.val_len, 10)
return train, val
function build_model()
scanner = LSTM(length(alphabet), 20)
encoder = Dense(20, length(alphabet))
return scanner, encoder
function model(x, scanner, encoder)
state = scanner.([end]
function train(; kws...)
# Initialize the parameters
args = Args(; kws...)
# Load Data
train_data, val_data = getdata(args)
@info("Constructing Model...")
scanner,encoder = build_model()
loss(x, y) = logitcrossentropy(model(x, scanner, encoder), y)
batch_loss(data) = mean(loss(d...) for d in data)
opt = ADAM(
ps = params(scanner, encoder)
evalcb = () -> @show batch_loss(val_data)
for i=1:args.epochs
Flux.train!(loss, ps, train_data, opt, cb=throttle(evalcb, args.throttle))
# Try running the model on strings of length 50.
# Even though the model has only been trained with
# much shorter strings, it has learned the
# parity function and will accurate on longer strings.
function t50()
l = batch_loss(gendata(1000, 50))
println("Batch_loss for length 50 string: ", l,"\n")
return scanner, encoder
function test(scanner, encoder)
# sanity test
tx = map(c -> onehotbatch(c, alphabet), [
[false, true], # 01 -> 1
[true, false], # 10 -> 1
[false, false], # 00 -> 0
[true, true]]) # 11 -> 0
out = [onecold(model(x, scanner, encoder)) - 1 for x in tx]
input = [[0,1],[1,0],[0,0],[1,1]]
for i in 1:length(tx)
print(input[i]," => ",out[i],"\n")
scanner, encoder = train()
test(scanner, encoder)
Save the above as xor2.jl
and run it as:
julia xor2.jl
Model for 100,000 1 to 50 length strings
using Flux, Statistics
using Flux: onehot, onehotbatch, throttle, logitcrossentropy, reset!, onecold
using Parameters: @with_kw
@with_kw mutable struct Args
lr::Float64 = 1e-3 # Learning rate
epochs::Int = 20 # Number of epochs for training
train_len::Int = 100000 # Length of training data to be generated
val_len::Int = 1000 # Length of Validation Data
throttle::Int = 10 # Throttle timeout
function getdata(args)
# training data of bit strings from length 2 to 50
train = gendata(args.train_len, 1:50)
# validation data of bit strings of length 50
val = gendata(args.val_len, 50)
return train, val
function build_model()
scanner = LSTM(length(alphabet), 20)
encoder = Dense(20, length(alphabet))
return scanner, encoder
function model(x, scanner, encoder)
state = scanner.([end]
function train(; kws...)
# Initialize the parameters
args = Args(; kws...)
# Load Data
train_data, val_data = getdata(args)
@info("Constructing Model...")
scanner,encoder = build_model()
loss(x, y) = logitcrossentropy(model(x, scanner, encoder), y)
batch_loss(data) = mean(loss(d...) for d in data)
opt = ADAM(
ps = params(scanner, encoder)
evalcb = () -> @show batch_loss(val_data)
for i=1:args.epochs
Flux.train!(loss, ps, train_data, opt, cb=throttle(evalcb, args.throttle))
return scanner, encoder
function test(scanner, encoder)
# sanity test
tx = map(c -> onehotbatch(c, alphabet), [
[false, true], # 01 -> 1
[true, false], # 10 -> 1
[false, false], # 00 -> 0
[true, true]]) # 11 -> 0
out = [onecold(model(x, scanner, encoder)) - 1 for x in tx]
input = [[0,1],[1,0],[0,0],[1,1]]
for i in 1:length(tx)
print(input[i]," => ",out[i],"\n")
scanner, encoder = train()
test(scanner, encoder)
Save the above as xor3.jl
and run it as:
julia xor3.jl