Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Network for character-level language model

This is an implementation of a multi-layer Recurrent Neural Network for training/sampling from character-level language models.

Load the necessary packages.

using Flux
using Flux: onehot, chunk, batchseq, throttle, logitcrossentropy
using StatsBase: wsample
using Base.Iterators: partition
using Parameters: @with_kw

Hyperparameter arguments

@with_kw mutable struct Args
    lr::Float64 = 1e-2	# Learning rate
    seqlen::Int = 50	# Length of batchseqences
    nbatch::Int = 50	# number of batches text is divided into
    throttle::Int = 30	# Throttle timeout

Load the data.

function getdata(args)
    # Download the data if not downloaded as 'input.txt'
    isfile("input.txt") ||

    text = collect(String(read("input.txt")))
    # an array of all unique characters
    alphabet = [unique(text)..., '_']
    text = map(ch -> onehot(ch, alphabet), text)
    stop = onehot('_', alphabet)

    N = length(alphabet)
    # Partitioning the data as sequence of batches, which are then collected as array of batches
    Xs = collect(partition(batchseq(chunk(text, args.nbatch), stop), args.seqlen))
    Ys = collect(partition(batchseq(chunk(text[2:end], args.nbatch), stop), args.seqlen))

    return Xs, Ys, N, alphabet

Function to construct model.

function build_model(N)
    return Chain(
            LSTM(N, 128),
            LSTM(128, 128),
            Dense(128, N))

Function to train model.

function train(; kws...)
    # Initialize the parameters
    args = Args(; kws...)
    # Get Data
    Xs, Ys, N, alphabet = getdata(args)

    # Constructing Model
    m = build_model(N)

    function loss(xs, ys)
      l = sum(logitcrossentropy.(m.(xs), ys))
      return l
    ## Training
    opt = ADAM(
    tx, ty = (Xs[5], Ys[5])
    evalcb = () -> @show loss(tx, ty)

    Flux.train!(loss, params(m), zip(Xs, Ys), opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, args.throttle))
    return m, alphabet


function sample(m, alphabet, len; seed="")
    m = cpu(m)
    buf = IOBuffer()
    if seed == ""
        seed = string(rand(alphabet))
    write(buf, seed)
    c = wsample(alphabet, softmax(m.(map(c -> onehot(c, alphabet), collect(seed)))[end]))
    for i = 1:len
        write(buf, c)
        c = wsample(alphabet, softmax(m(onehot(c, alphabet))))
    return String(take!(buf))

Train the model.

m, alphabet = train()
sample(m, alphabet, 1000) |> println


loss(tx, ty) = 188.493f0
loss(tx, ty) = 164.71947f0
loss(tx, ty) = 163.34908f0
loss(tx, ty) = 141.63608f0
loss(tx, ty) = 135.5761f0
loss(tx, ty) = 134.25943f0
loss(tx, ty) = 133.33817f0
loss(tx, ty) = 133.78276f0
loss(tx, ty) = 131.65105f0
loss(tx, ty) = 129.55223f0
loss(tx, ty) = 129.3795f0
loss(tx, ty) = 128.73051f0
loss(tx, ty) = 126.728775f0
loss(tx, ty) = 125.84408f0
loss(tx, ty) = 125.60294f0
loss(tx, ty) = 124.5169f0
loss(tx, ty) = 126.114624f0
loss(tx, ty) = 126.629616f0
loss(tx, ty) = 123.28575f0
loss(tx, ty) = 123.2743f0
loss(tx, ty) = 121.49012f0
loss(tx, ty) = 120.70581f0
loss(tx, ty) = 119.71306f0
loss(tx, ty) = 119.45561f0
loss(tx, ty) = 118.88265f0
loss(tx, ty) = 118.57439f0
loss(tx, ty) = 119.1112f0
loss(tx, ty) = 117.25467f0
loss(tx, ty) = 117.20366f0
loss(tx, ty) = 116.40781f0
loss(tx, ty) = 116.5148f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.36537f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.88582f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.18013f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.0249f0
loss(tx, ty) = 114.61435f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.03795f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.97866f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.85941f0
loss(tx, ty) = 115.91748f0
loss(tx, ty) = 114.87762f0
loss(tx, ty) = 113.778244f0
loss(tx, ty) = 114.05181f0
loss(tx, ty) = 114.4699f0
loss(tx, ty) = 113.46146f0
loss(tx, ty) = 114.079956f0
loss(tx, ty) = 113.89629f0
loss(tx, ty) = 113.31437f0
loss(tx, ty) = 114.2162f0
loss(tx, ty) = 113.37099f0
loss(tx, ty) = 113.31416f0
loss(tx, ty) = 112.205414f0
loss(tx, ty) = 112.91714f0
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– Adarsh Kumar, Mike J Innes, Marco (mcognetta)