This is a shortened version of Meta-learning is an algorithm which learns to learn.
We will use meta-learning to train a neural net which can be fintuned to accurately models a sine wave after training for few iterations on a handful of x, y coordinates.
using Flux
using Printf
using Plots
using Distributions: Uniform, Normal
using Statistics: mean
using Base.Iterators: partition
using Random: randperm, seed!
Sine Waves
We’ll be training the neural network on sine waves in the x coordinate of range . The sine wave can be shifted left or right by the phase_shift
and shrunk or streched by the amplitude
struct SineWave
SineWave() = SineWave(rand(Uniform(0.1, 5)), rand(Uniform(0, 2pi)))
(s::SineWave)(x::AbstractArray) = s.amplitude .* sin.(x .+ s.phase_shift)
function, s::SineWave)
print(io, "SineWave(amplitude = ", s.amplitude, ", phase shift = ", s.phase_shift, ")")
Now let’s make some waves …
x = LinRange(-5, 5, 100)
wave = SineWave(4, 1)
plot(x, wave(x))
Nice, time to learn to learn!
activations seem to produce smoother lines than relu
First-Order MAML (FOMAML)
MAML can be succinctly described as:
The first line shows the inner update, which optimizes towards a solution for the task training set producing . The following line is the meta update which aims to generalize to new data. This involves evaluating all on the test sets and accumulating the resulting gradients. and are learning rates.
The difference between MAML and FOMAML (first-order MAML) is the inner gradient, shown is red is ignored during backpropagation:
We’ll focus on FOMAML since it’s less computationally expensive and achieves similar performance to MAML in practice and has a simpler implementation.
FOMAML generalizes by further adjusting parameters based on how performance on a validation or test set (used interchangeably) during the meta update.
is the starting point, is the parameter values after 3 gradient updates on a task. Notice before the meta update the parameters shift in the direction of the new task’s solution (red arrow) but after the meta update they change direction (blue arrow). This illustrates how the meta update adjusts the gradient for task generalization.
function fomaml(model; meta_opt=Descent(0.01), inner_opt=Descent(0.02), epochs=30_000,
n_tasks=3, train_batch_size=10, eval_batch_size=10, eval_interval=1000)
weights = params(model)
dist = Uniform(-5, 5)
testx = Float32.(range(-5, stop=5, length=50))
for i in 1:epochs
prev_weights = deepcopy(
for _ in 1:n_tasks
task = SineWave()
x = Float32.(rand(dist, train_batch_size))
y = task(x)
grad = Flux.Tracker.gradient(() -> Flux.mse(model(x'), y'), weights)
for w in weights .-= Flux.Optimise.apply!(inner_opt,, grad[w].data)
testy = task(testx)
grad = Flux.Tracker.gradient(() -> Flux.mse(model(testx'), testy'), weights)
# reset weights and accumulate gradients
for (w1, w2) in zip(weights, prev_weights) .= w2
w1.grad .+= grad[w1].data
Flux.Optimise._update_params!(meta_opt, weights)
if i % eval_interval == 0
@printf("Iteration %d, evaluating model on random task...\n", i)
evalx = Float32.(rand(dist, eval_batch_size))
eval_model(model, evalx, testx, SineWave())
Training a neural net using FOMAML.
fomaml_model = Chain(Linear(1, 64, tanh), Linear(64, 64, tanh), Linear(64, 1))
fomaml(fomaml_model, meta_opt=Descent(0.01), inner_opt=Descent(0.02), epochs=50_000, n_tasks=3)
Evaluate the model on 10 (x, y) sampled uniformly from
x = rand(Uniform(-5, 5), 10)
testx = LinRange(-5, 5, 50)
fomaml_data = eval_model(fomaml_model, x, testx, wave, updates=32, opt=Descent(0.02))
p = plot_eval_data(fomaml_data, "FOMAML - SGD Optimizer")
Reptile optimizes to find a point (parameter representation) in manifold space which is closest in euclidean distance to a point in each task’s manifold of optimal solutions. To achieve this, we minimize the expected value for all tasks of where is the model’s parameters and are the optimal parameters for task .
In each iteration of Reptile we sample a task and update $\theta$ using SGD:
In practice an approximation of is used since it’s not feasible to compute. The approximation is after gradient steps .
This a Reptile update after training for 3 gradient steps on task data. Note with Reptile there’s no train and test data, just data. The direction of the gradient update (blue arrow) is directly in the direction towards . It’s kind of crazy that this actually works. Section 5 of the Reptile paper has an analysis showing the gradients of MAML, FOMMAL and Reptile are similar within constants.
function reptile(model; meta_opt=Descent(0.1), inner_opt=Descent(0.02), epochs=30_000,
train_batch_size=10, eval_batch_size=10, eval_interval=1000)
weights = params(model)
dist = Uniform(-5, 5)
testx = Float32.(range(-5, stop=5, length=50))
x = testx
for i in 1:epochs
prev_weights = deepcopy(
task = SineWave()
# Train on task for k steps on the dataset
y = task(x)
for idx in partition(randperm(length(x)), train_batch_size)
l = Flux.mse(model(x[idx]'), y[idx]')
Flux.Optimise._update_params!(inner_opt, weights)
# Reptile update
for (w1, w2) in zip(weights, prev_weights)
gw = Flux.Optimise.apply!(meta_opt, w2, - w2)
@. = w2 + gw
if i % eval_interval == 0
@printf("Iteration %d, evaluating model on random task...\n", i)
evalx = Float32.(rand(dist, eval_batch_size))
eval_model(model, evalx, testx, SineWave())
Training a neural net using Reptile.
reptile_model = Chain(Linear(1, 64, tanh), Linear(64, 64, tanh), Linear(64, 1))
reptile(reptile_model, meta_opt=Descent(0.1), inner_opt=Descent(0.02), epochs=50_000)
Evaluate the model on 10 x coordinates sampled uniformly from .
reptile_data = eval_model(reptile_model, x, testx, wave, updates=32, opt=Descent(0.02))
p = plot_eval_data(reptile_data, "Reptile - SGD Optimizer")
Testing Robustness
To test if the FOMAML and Reptile representations learned to learn quickly with minimal data we’ll finetune on 5 datapoints for 10 update steps. The x values are sampled from a uniform distribution of , the right half of the sine wave. Can the entire wave be learned?
x = rand(Uniform(0, 5), 5)
fomaml_data = eval_model(fomaml_model, x, testx, wave, updates=10, opt=Descent(0.02))
p = plot_eval_data(fomaml_data, "FOMAML - 5 samples, 10 updates")
Now Reptile:
reptile_data = eval_model(reptile_model, x, testx, wave, updates=10, opt=Descent(0.02))
p = plot_eval_data(reptile_data, "Reptile - 5 samples, 10 updates")
Lastly, let’s see how quickly a representation is learned for a new task. We’ll use the same 5 element sample as before and train for 10 gradient updates.
plot([fomaml_data.test_losses, reptile_data.test_losses],
label=["FOMAML", "Reptile"],
xlabel="Updates", ylabel="Loss")
Cool! Both FOMAML and Reptile learn a very useful representation within a few updates.