Seq2Seq phoneme detection on CMUDict
This example is based on Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate.
First, we save the following code as 0-data.jl
and run it.
using Flux, Flux.Data.CMUDict
using Flux: onehot, batchseq
using Base.Iterators: partition
tokenise(s, α) = [onehot(c, α) for c in s]
function getdata(args)
dict = cmudict()
alphabet = [:end, CMUDict.alphabet()...]
args.Nin = length(alphabet)
phones = [:start, :end, CMUDict.symbols()...]
args.phones_len = length(phones)
# Turn a word into a sequence of vectors
tokenise("PHYLOGENY", alphabet)
# Same for phoneme lists
tokenise(dict["PHYLOGENY"], phones)
words = sort(collect(keys(dict)), by = length)
# Finally, create iterators for our inputs and outputs.
batches(xs, p) = [batchseq(b, p) for b in partition(xs, 50)]
Xs = batches([tokenise(word, alphabet) for word in words],
onehot(:end, alphabet))
Ys = batches([tokenise([dict[word]..., :end], phones) for word in words],
onehot(:end, phones))
Yo = batches([tokenise([:start, dict[word]...], phones) for word in words],
onehot(:end, phones))
data = collect(zip(Xs, Yo, Ys))
return data, alphabet, phones
Now, we define the actual model and training code.
Load the necessary packages.
using Flux: flip, logitcrossentropy, reset!, throttle
using Parameters: @with_kw
using StatsBase: wsample
Define Hyperparameter arguments.
@with_kw mutable struct Args
lr::Float64 = 1e-3 # learning rate
Nin::Int = 0 # size of input layer, will be assigned as length(alphabet)
Nh::Int = 30 # size of hidden layer
phones_len::Int = 0 # length of phonemes
throttle::Int = 30 # throttle timeout
Define the build model function.
function build_model(args)
# A recurrent model which takes a token and returns a context-dependent
# annotation.
forward = LSTM(args.Nin, args.Nh÷2)
backward = LSTM(args.Nin, args.Nh÷2)
encode(tokens) = vcat.(forward.(tokens), flip(backward, tokens))
alignnet = Dense(2*args.Nh, 1)
# A recurrent model which takes a sequence of annotations, attends, and returns
# a predicted output token.
recur = LSTM(args.Nh+args.phones_len, args.Nh)
toalpha = Dense(args.Nh, args.phones_len)
return (forward, backward, alignnet, recur, toalpha), encode
align(s, t, alignnet) = alignnet(vcat(t, s .* Int.(ones(1, size(t, 2)))))
function asoftmax(xs)
xs = [exp.(x) for x in xs]
s = sum(xs)
return [x ./ s for x in xs]
function decode1(tokens, phone, state)
# Unpack models
forward, backward, alignnet, recur, toalpha = state
weights = asoftmax([align(recur.state[2], t, alignnet) for t in tokens])
context = sum(map((a, b) -> a .* b, weights, tokens))
y = recur(vcat(Float32.(phone), context))
return toalpha(y)
decode(tokens, phones, state) = [decode1(tokens, phone, state) for phone in phones]
Define the model.
function model(x, y, state, encode)
# Unpack models
forward, backward, alignnet, recur, toalpha = state
ŷ = decode(encode(x), y, state)
return ŷ
Define the predict function.
function predict(s, state, encode, alphabet, phones)
ts = encode(tokenise(s, alphabet))
ps = Any[:start]
for i = 1:50
dist = softmax(decode1(ts, onehot(ps[end], phones), state))
next = wsample(phones, vec(dist))
next == :end && break
push!(ps, next)
return ps[2:end]
Define the train function.
function train(; kws...)
# Initialize Hyperparameters
args = Args(; kws...)
@info("Loading Data...")
data,alphabet,phones = getdata(args)
# The full model
# state = (forward, backward, alignnet, recur, toalpha)
@info("Constructing Model...")
state, encode = build_model(args)
loss(x, yo, y) = sum(logitcrossentropy.(model(x, yo, state, encode), y))
evalcb = () -> @show loss(data[500]...)
opt = ADAM(
Flux.train!(loss, params(state), data, opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, args.throttle))
return state, encode, alphabet, phones
Train the model
state, encode, alphabet, phones = train()
predict("PHYLOGENY", state, encode, alphabet, phones)
[ Info: Loading Data...
[ Info: Constructing Model...
[ Info: Training...
loss(data[500]...) = 30.91739f0
loss(data[500]...) = 17.47304f0
loss(data[500]...) = 14.833056f0
loss(data[500]...) = 13.803842f0
loss(data[500]...) = 14.142663f0
loss(data[500]...) = 15.463973f0
loss(data[500]...) = 15.767911f0
loss(data[500]...) = 17.431313f0
[ Info: Testing...