Recursive net on IMDB sentiment treebank
First, we save the following code as data.jl
and run it.
using Flux
using Flux: onehot
using Flux.Data.Sentiment
using Flux.Data: Tree, leaves
function getdata()
traintrees = Sentiment.train()
# Get the raw labels and phrases as separate trees.
labels = map.(x -> x[1], traintrees)
phrases = map.(x -> x[2], traintrees)
# All tokens in the training set.
tokens = vcat(map(leaves, phrases)...)
# Count how many times each token appears.
freqs = Dict{String,Int}()
for t in tokens
freqs[t] = get(freqs, t, 0) + 1
# Replace singleton tokens with an "unknown" marker.
# This roughly cuts our "alphabet" of tokens in half.
phrases = map.(t -> get(freqs, t, 0) == 1 ? "UNK" : t, phrases)
# Our alphabet of tokens.
alphabet = unique(vcat(map(leaves, phrases)...))
# One-hot-encode our training data with respect to the alphabet.
phrases_e = map.(t -> t == nothing ? t : onehot(t, alphabet), phrases)
labels_e = map.(t -> onehot(t, 0:4), labels)
train = map.(tuple, phrases_e, labels_e)
return train
Now, we define the model and the train function.
using Flux
using Flux: logitcrossentropy, throttle
using Flux.Data: Tree, children, isleaf
using Parameters: @with_kw
@with_kw mutable struct Args
lr::Float64 = 1e-3 # Learning rate
N::Int = 300
throttle::Int = 10 # Throttle timeout
function train(; kws...)
# Initialize HyperParameters
args = Args(; kws...)
# load data
@info("Loading Data...")
train_data = getdata(args)
@info("Constructing model....")
embedding = param(randn(Float32, N, length(alphabet)))
W = Dense(2*N, N, tanh)
combine(a, b) = W([a; b])
sentiment = Chain(Dense(N, 5))
function forward(tree)
if isleaf(tree)
token, sent = tree.value
phrase = embedding * token
phrase, logitcrossentropy(sentiment(phrase), sent)
_, sent = tree.value
c1, l1 = forward(tree[1], embedding)
c2, l2 = forward(tree[2], embedding)
phrase = combine(c1, c2)
phrase, l1 + l2 + logitcrossentropy(sentiment(phrase), sent)
loss(tree) = forward(tree)[2]
opt = ADAM(
ps = params(embedding, W, sentiment)
evalcb = () -> @show loss(train[1])
@info("Training Model...")
Flux.train!(loss, ps, zip(train_data), opt,cb = throttle(evalcb, args.throttle))
Finally, we train the model.