Simple Auto-Encoder

This example shows how to encode MNIST images as compressed vectors that can later be decoded back into images.

Load the necessary packages.

using Flux, Flux.Data.MNIST
using Flux: @epochs, onehotbatch, mse, throttle
using Base.Iterators: partition
using Parameters: @with_kw
using CUDAapi
if has_cuda()
    @info "CUDA is on"
    import CuArrays

Set learning rate, number of epochs, size of encoding, batch size, number or random digits in the sample image, and throttle timeout parameters for the model.

@with_kw mutable struct Args
    lr::Float64 = 1e-3		# Learning rate
    epochs::Int = 10		# Number of epochs
    N::Int = 32			# Size of the encoding
    batchsize::Int = 1000	# Batch size for training
    sample_len::Int = 20 	# Number of random digits in the sample image
    throttle::Int = 5		# Throttle timeout

function get_processed_data(args)
    # Loading Images
    imgs = MNIST.images()
    #Converting image of type RGB to float 
    imgs = channelview.(imgs)
    # Partition into batches of size 1000
    train_data = [float(hcat(vec.(imgs)...)) for imgs in partition(imgs, args.batchsize)]
    train_data = gpu.(train_data)
    return train_data

Define the training function.

function train(; kws...)
    args = Args(; kws...)	

    train_data = get_processed_data(args)

    @info("Constructing model......")
    # You can try to make the encoder/decoder network larger
    # Also, the output of encoder is a coding of the given input.
    # In this case, the input dimension is 28^2 and the output dimension of
    # encoder is 32. This implies that the coding is a compressed representation.
    # We can make lossy compression via this `encoder`.
    encoder = Dense(28^2, args.N, leakyrelu) |> gpu
    decoder = Dense(args.N, 28^2, leakyrelu) |> gpu 

    # Defining main model as a Chain of encoder and decoder models
    m = Chain(encoder, decoder)

    @info("Training model.....")
    loss(x) = mse(m(x), x)
    ## Training
    evalcb = throttle(() -> @show(loss(train_data[1])), args.throttle)
    opt = ADAM(
    @epochs args.epochs Flux.train!(loss, params(m), zip(train_data), opt, cb = evalcb)
    return m, args

using Images

img(x::Vector) = Gray.(reshape(clamp.(x, 0, 1), 28, 28))

function sample(m, args)
    imgs = MNIST.images()
    #Converting image of type RGB to float 
    imgs = channelview.(imgs)
    # `args.sample_len` random digits
    before = [imgs[i] for i in rand(1:length(imgs), args.sample_len)]
    # Before and after images
    after = img.(map(x -> cpu(m)(float(vec(x))), before))
    # Stack them all together
    hcat(vcat.(before, after)...)

Train the model.

m, args= train()
# Sample output
@info("Saving image sample as sample_ae.png")
save("sample_ae.png", sample(m, args))


┌ Info: Constructing model......
└ @ Main In[4]:6
┌ Info: Training model.....
└ @ Main In[4]:18
┌ Info: Epoch 1
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.10263635f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.07194337f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.059566345f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.04826564f0
┌ Info: Epoch 2
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.037565507f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.033035718f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.029703505f0
┌ Info: Epoch 3
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.027369088f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.025591135f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.024021594f0
┌ Info: Epoch 4
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.022601498f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.021399459f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.020452648f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.019461159f0
┌ Info: Epoch 5
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.01856002f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.017923435f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.017415516f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.016848236f0
┌ Info: Epoch 6
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.016316287f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.015926166f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.015563524f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.015224024f0
┌ Info: Epoch 7
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.014846354f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.0146293575f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.0143532315f0
┌ Info: Epoch 8
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.01412566f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.013958127f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.0137986215f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.013683818f0
┌ Info: Epoch 9
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.013549399f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.013383324f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.01332298f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.013187287f0
┌ Info: Epoch 10
└ @ Main /.julia/packages/Flux/05b38/src/optimise/train.jl:114
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.013029902f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.0129885655f0
loss(train_data[1]) = 0.012877053f0
┌ Info: Saving image sample as sample_ae.png
└ @ Main In[6]:4

– Adarsh Kumar, Mike J Innes, Andrew Dinhobl