Speech recognition
This model is an implementation of the neural network for speech recognition described in Graves & Schmidhuber (2005). It takes in frames of frequency information derived from the waveform, and it predicts which phone class the frame belongs to, among a reduced set of English phones. The training is run using the TIMIT data set (Garofolo et al., 1993).
This implementation is broken down into two separate scripts. The first, 00-data.jl
, extracts the appropriate speech features from the data in TIMIT and saves them to file. It assumes that you have the TIMIT speech corpus extracted, converted into RIFF WAV file format, and in the same directory as the script itself. It takes no arguments, and it contains the following:
# 00-data.jl
# Extracts audio features from TIMIT to be used in speech recognition
using Flux: onehotbatch
using WAV
using BSON
# This wookay's fork of MFCC updated to work with Julia v0.7/1.0
# https://github.com/wookay/MFCC.jl
using MFCC
# Define constants that will be used
const TRAINING_OUT_DIR = "train"
const TEST_OUT_DIR = "test"
# Make dictionary to map from phones to class numbers
const PHONES = split("h# q eh dx iy r ey ix tcl sh ow z s hh aw m t er l w aa hv ae dcl y axr d kcl k ux ng gcl g ao epi ih p ay v n f jh ax en oy dh pcl ah bcl el zh uw pau b uh th ax-h em ch nx eng")
translations = Dict(phone=>i for (i, phone) in enumerate(PHONES))
translations["sil"] = translations["h#"]
const PHONE_TRANSLATIONS = translations
# Make dictionary to perform class folding
const FOLDINGS = Dict(
"ao" => "aa",
"ax" => "ah",
"ax-h" => "ah",
"axr" => "er",
"hv" => "hh",
"ix" => "ih",
"el" => "l",
"em" => "m",
"en" => "n",
"nx" => "n",
"eng" => "ng",
"zh" => "sh",
"pcl" => "sil",
"tcl" => "sil",
"kcl" => "sil",
"bcl" => "sil",
"dcl" => "sil",
"gcl" => "sil",
"h#" => "sil",
"pau" => "sil",
"epi" => "sil",
"ux" => "uw"
FRAME_LENGTH = 0.025 # ms
FRAME_INTERVAL = 0.010 # ms
makeFeatures(wavFname, phnFname)
Extracts Mel filterbanks and associated labels from `wavFname` and `phnFaname`.
function makeFeatures(phnFname, wavFname)
samps, sr = wavread(wavFname)
samps = vec(samps)
mfccs, _, _ = mfcc(samps, sr, :rasta; wintime=FRAME_LENGTH, steptime=FRAME_INTERVAL)
local lines
open(phnFname, "r") do f
lines = readlines(f)
boundaries = Vector()
labels = Vector()
# first field in the file is the beginning sample number, which isn't
# needed for calculating where the labels are
for line in lines
_, boundary, label = split(line)
boundary = parse(Int64, boundary)
push!(boundaries, boundary)
push!(labels, label)
labelInfo = collect(zip(boundaries, labels))
labelInfoIdx = 1
boundary, label = labelInfo[labelInfoIdx]
nSegments = length(labelInfo)
frameLengthSamples = FRAME_LENGTH * sr
frameIntervalSamples = FRAME_INTERVAL * sr
halfFrameLength = FRAME_LENGTH / 2
# Begin generating sequence labels by looping through the MFCC
# frames
labelSequence = Vector() # Holds the sequence of labels
idxsToDelete = Vector() # To store indices for frames labeled as 'q'
for i=1:size(mfccs, 1)
win_end = frameLengthSamples + (i-1)*frameIntervalSamples
# Move on to next label if current frame of samples is more than half
# way into next labeled section and there are still more labels to
# iterate through
if labelInfoIdx < nSegments && win_end - boundary > halfFrameLength
labelInfoIdx += 1
boundary, label = labelInfo[labelInfoIdx]
if label == "q"
push!(idxsToDelete, i)
push!(labelSequence, label)
# Remove the frames that were labeld as 'q'
mfccs = mfccs[[i for i in 1:size(mfccs,1) if !(i in Set(idxsToDelete))],:]
mfccDeltas = deltas(mfccs, 2)
features = hcat(mfccs, mfccDeltas)
return (features, labelSequence)
createData(data_dir, out_dir)
Extracts data from files in `data_dir` and saves results in `out_dir`.
function createData(data_dir, out_dir)
! isdir(out_dir) && mkdir(out_dir)
for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(data_dir)
# Exclude the files that are part of the speaker accent readings
files = [x for x in files if ! occursin("SA", x)]
phnFnames = [x for x in files if occursin("PHN", x)]
wavFnames = [x for x in files if occursin("WAV", x)]
one_dir_up = basename(root)
for (wavFname, phnFname) in zip(wavFnames, phnFnames)
phn_path = joinpath(root, phnFname)
wav_path = joinpath(root, wavFname)
x, y = makeFeatures(phn_path, wav_path)
# Generate class nums; there are 61 total classes, but only 39 are
# used after folding.
y = [PHONE_TRANSLATIONS[x] for x in y]
class_nums = [n for n in 1:61]
y = onehotbatch(y, class_nums)
base, _ = splitext(phnFname)
dat_name = one_dir_up * base * ".bson"
dat_path = joinpath(out_dir, dat_name)
BSON.@save dat_path x y
You can run the above script as:
julia 00-data.jl
It will print out which directory it is working on as it goes so you can track the progress as it extracts the training and testing data.
The second script, 01-speech-blstm.jl
, trains the network. It loads in the speech data extracted from 00-data.jl
and runs it through the network for 20 epochs, which is on average how long Graves & Schmidhuber needed to train the network for. (The number of epochs can be changed by modifying the value of the EPOCHS
variable in the script.)
# See Graves & Schmidhuber ([Graves, A., &
# Schmidhuber, J. (2005). Framewise phoneme classification with
# bidirectional LSTM and other neural network architectures. Neural
# Networks, 18(5-6), 602-610.]).
using Flux
using Flux: crossentropy, softmax, flip, sigmoid, LSTM, @epochs
using BSON
using Random
# Paths to the training and test data directories
const TRAINDIR = "train"
const TESTDIR = "test"
const EPOCHS = 20
# Component layers of the bidirectional LSTM layer
forward = LSTM(26, 93)
backward = LSTM(26, 93)
output = Dense(186, 61)
BLSTM layer using above LSTM layers
# Parameters
* **x** A 2-tuple containing the forward and backward time samples;
the first is from processing the sequence forward, and the second
is from processing it backward
# Returns
* The concatenation of the forward and backward LSTM predictions
BLSTM(x) = vcat.(forward.(x), flip(backward, x))
The chain of functions representing the trained model.
# Parameters
* **x** The utterance that the model should process
# Returns
* The model's predictions for each time step in `x`
model(x) = softmax.(output.(BLSTM(x)))
loss(x, y)
Calculates the categorical cross-entropy loss for an utterance
# Parameters
* **x** Iterable containing the frames to classify
* **y** Iterable containing the labels corresponding to the frames
in `x`
# Returns
* The calculated loss value
# Side-effects
* Resets the state in the BLSTM layer
function loss(x, y)
l = sum(crossentropy.(model(x), y))
Flux.reset!((forward, backward))
return l
Reads in the data contained in a specified directory
# Parameters
* **dataDir** String of the path to the directory containing the data
# Return
* **Xs** Vector where each element is a vector of the frames for
one utterance
* **Ys** A vector where each element is a vector of the labels for
the frames for one utterance
function readData(dataDir)
fnames = readdir(dataDir)
Xs = Vector()
Ys = Vector()
for (i, fname) in enumerate(fnames)
print(string(i) * "/" * string(length(fnames)) * "\r")
BSON.@load joinpath(dataDir, fname) x y
x = [x[i,:] for i in 1:size(x,1)]
y = [y[:,i] for i in 1:size(y,2)]
push!(Xs, x)
push!(Ys, y)
return (Xs, Ys)
Evaluates the accuracy of the model on a set of data; can be used
either for validation or test accuracy
# Parameters
* **data** An iterable of paired values where the first element is
all the frames for a single utterance, and the second is the
associated frame labels to compare the model's predictions against
# Returns
* The predicted accuracy value as a proportion of the number of
correct predictions over the total number of predictions made
function evaluateAccuracy(data)
correct = Vector()
for (x, y) in data
y = argmax.(y)
ŷ = argmax.(model(x))
Flux.reset!((forward, backward))
append!(correct, [ŷ_n == y_n for (ŷ_n, y_n) in zip(ŷ, y)])
sum(correct) / length(correct)
function main()
println("Loading files")
Xs, Ys = readData(TRAINDIR)
data = collect(zip(Xs, Ys))
valData = data[1:184]
data = data[185:end]
# Begin training
println("Beginning training")
opt = Momentum(params((forward, backward, output)), 10.0^-5; ρ=0.9)
i = 0
@epochs EPOCHS begin
i += 1
valData = valData[shuffle(1:length(valData))]
Flux.train!(loss, data, opt)
BSON.@save "model_epoch$(i).bson" forward backward output
val_acc = evaluateAccuracy(valData)
println("Val acc. " * string(val_acc))
# Clean up some memory
valData = nothing
data = nothing
Xs = nothing
Ys = nothing
# Test model
Xs_test, Ys_test = readData(TESTDIR)
test_data = collect(zip(Xs_test, Ys_test))
test_acc = evaluateAccuracy(test_data)
println("Test acc. " * string(test_acc))
You can run the above script as:
julia 01-speech-blstm.jl
At the end of each epoch, the script prints out the validation accuracy and saves a BSON file with the model’s current weights. After running through all the epochs, the script prints out the testing accuracy on the default holdout test set.
Using a trained model
It is simple to use the model once it’s been trained. Simply load in the model from the BSON file, and use the model(x)
function from 01-speech-blstm.jl
on some data prepared using the same procedure as in 00-data.jl
. The phoneme class numbers can be determined by using argmax
. The Flux
and BSON
packages will need to be loaded in beforehand.
using Flux, BSON
using Flux: flip, softmax
BSON.@load "model_epoch20.bson" forward backward output
BLSTM(x) = vcat.(forward.(x), flip(backward, x))
model(x) = softmax.(output.(BLSTM(x)))
ŷ = model(x) # where x is utterance you want to be transcribed
phonemes = argmax.(ŷ)
Garofalo, J. S., Lamel, L. F., Fisher, W. M., Fiscus, J. G., Pallett, D. S., & Dahlgren, N. L. (1993). The DARPA TIMIT acoustic-phonetic continuous speech corpus cdrom. Linguistic Data Consortium.
Graves, A., & Schmidhuber, J. (2005). Framewise phoneme classification with bidirectional LSTM and other neural network architectures. Neural Networks, 18(5-6), 602-610.